
“Star Cube” is an interstellar puzzle adventure game where players explore and unlock the mysteries of cosmic cubes floating in space. Set against a backdrop of stars and galaxies, each level presents players with a rotating cube made up of intricate puzzles and hidden pathways. The objective is to unlock each side of the cube by solving puzzles and finding clues, which reveal pathways to progress through the cube. With stunning visuals, ambient space soundscapes, and an engaging blend of logic and strategy, “Star Cube” delivers a meditative yet challenging experience.

How to Play:

  1. Explore the Cube: Each level begins with a unique cube floating in space. Rotate the cube to examine each side and find hints or interactive spots that could lead to solving puzzles.
  2. Solve Puzzles: The puzzles range from logic challenges to pattern recognition and memory-based tasks. Solving these unlocks portions of the cube or grants access to new areas on the cube’s surface.
  3. Collect Star Fragments: As you unlock areas, collect star fragments hidden within the cube. These fragments act as keys to unlock new levels or special power-ups that assist in gameplay.
  4. Unlock Pathways: Some puzzles reveal hidden pathways or mechanisms within the cube. Follow these paths to discover new puzzles or reach the cube’s core, where the ultimate challenges lie.
  5. Use Power-Ups and Hints: You can earn or unlock special power-ups that highlight interactive areas, offer puzzle hints, or slow down time for more challenging sequences.
  6. Advance Through the Galaxies: Complete each cube to progress through a constellation of galaxies, each with unique cube designs, themes, and challenges that increase in complexity.
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By unlocking the secrets within each “Star Cube,” players uncover an exciting, intergalactic puzzle journey that’s as captivating as it is challenging!


Click and you will jump to opposite white line.Collect all stars in the level to clear