
“Catch The Impostor” is a thrilling multiplayer party game that challenges players to identify the impostor hidden among them. Set in a colorful and dynamic environment, players must complete tasks and work together while keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior. The impostor, whose goal is to sabotage the group, can blend in, making it crucial for players to observe and deduce who is the traitor. With fast-paced gameplay, engaging graphics, and an emphasis on teamwork and strategy, “Catch The Impostor” offers endless fun and excitement for friends and family.

How to Play:

  1. Choose Your Role: At the start of each game, players are randomly assigned roles as either Crewmates or the Impostor. Crewmates must complete tasks while the Impostor tries to sabotage them.
  2. Complete Tasks: As a Crewmate, navigate through the game map to complete various tasks. These tasks can include simple mini-games, puzzles, or collection objectives that contribute to the overall goal of winning.
  3. Observe Behavior: Pay attention to other players’ actions. Look for unusual behavior, such as players loitering near task locations without completing them, which may indicate the impostor’s presence.
  4. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect someone is the impostor, you can report your findings. This triggers a discussion phase where players can share their observations and vote on who to eject.
  5. Vote to Eject: After discussing suspicions, players can vote on who they believe the impostor is. If the majority agrees, that player is ejected from the game. If the impostor is caught, the Crewmates win!
  6. Impostor Sabotage: If you’re the impostor, use stealth and cunning to sabotage tasks and create chaos among the Crewmates. Blend in by completing fake tasks and misleading other players to avoid detection.
  7. Win the Game: Crewmates win by completing all tasks or identifying and ejecting the impostor. The impostor wins by eliminating enough Crewmates to outnumber them.
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With its blend of strategy, deception, and teamwork, “Catch The Impostor” promises a fun and engaging experience that keeps players on their toes in every round!


Movement : Mouse
Catch : Left click